Sunday, March 4, 2012

Losing or Winning? (Continued Thought)

Have you ever seen the father on the side lines, the one that watches his kid play a game in hope that a spark will light in his son or daughter's heart? Hoping that after the game they will look up at him and say, "You can't always win dad, at least we had fun." I feel like that's God's outlook on us. He wants us to have good sportsmanship in our victories, keeping humility close to our hearts. And he wants us to keep our chin up in the times that we struggle, because he wants us to realize one thing... We can't always overcome our sin, but at least we continue trying to. And right after we realize that, it's back to the drawing board; back to the game we call "life." And we jump right in, full heartily, or thats what I need to start doing at least... That's what God calls us to do. To pretty much give it our all and not hope for the best, but make the best out of what's handed to us. Amen? I'd say so.

Goodnight everyone, & sweet dreams,

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