Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Paradise Falls, Here We Come!

Check it out guys, so recently I posted about how i've been learning to prioritize my life; and a huge part of my life is this girl right here on my jar below, Tabitha. Something as small as this change counter could make an awesome voucher for a dinner or movie night, even a chunk towards a plane ticket! All it takes is throwing a few coins in a day and God will provide way more then you think you've saved. This isn't only for that cute girl or guy in your life that you love, put it towards school or a dream vacation, but its mad easy and i encourage everyone to do it! A cute girl and a fund name are also good encouragers to throw a quarter in when you walk by it.

Thought id share since i'm up to 80.00 and counting after just a few hours of putting my loose change together. Rad right?! If you are familiar with the movie "Up!" then this is nothing new, but in my case, this is my "Paradise Falls" jar.

Go grab a jar and start one! (It doesn't have to be some fancy counter jar like mine, it was just convenient haha)


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Show me the Priorities

Lately i've been learning a lot about priorities and organization. It may sound like a boring topic but I've learned that in order to follow something whole heartily, I need to plan and be ready for any situation. I'm posting on the topic of moving. Lately i'm learning that I need to make sacrifices in order to follow what is most important to me at this time. God has proven to be faithful and is giving me encouragement through the words of others. I just need to learn to be patient in his answers and I think we can all relate. But its good to know that I am on the right track to following my heart and that my track is lining up with God's path for me. I can't think ahead which is hard for me, but I have to be patient and live for the moment. That is what I have been seeing in my dreams lately, the here and now of it all. No more waiting around, I just need to act on them.

‎" The best journeys answer questions that in the beginning you didn't even think to ask."

KONY 2012

Watch it, understand that there is evil in our world that 
we need to rid of and we will change the world.

In 180 degrees south there is a quote explained about history. The quote goes like this, 

"Men do not learn much from the lessons of history and THAT is the biggest lesson of history."

It doesn't surprise me that this quote popped up again in front of me, because if we do not learn from history, it will repeat around us. This film is about Joseph Kony, not to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for international justice. Joseph Kony is capturing and killing innocent people through peace rally's and force. It is essential that we spread the word about this or history will repeat itself. Naturally, this reminds me of the lesson that we ALL should have learned from the Holocaust. It is real, it is happening and we need to put an end to it. Joseph Kony is beginning to recreate history through his dominate force and if we do not stop him then it will end up as another international devastation in history. History is repeating and now is the time for us to pull together and build a force stronger then Kony's. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The truth is sad sometimes

Go read this article about an innocent guy named Trayvon Martin. Keep his family in your prayers and those surrounding them. Thanks

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Church as Paradise

Today God and my Uncle helped remind me of something that i've seemed to lose sight of... Church isn't about the institution or building we go to on sunday's; its about the body of people that uplift each other and reach each other with encouragement, love and devotion. We figured out that the very place that we call The Chesapeake Grille & Deli, is really the church we show up to on a day to day basis... From laughing with customers to supporting each other through a crazy dinner rush, we get frustrated together and pumped together. But the whole point of it all is so much bigger then I have ever thought. Everything and everyone has a purpose, and whether they know it or not, we're all part of the same body. The same Church. That's such an awesome thought. Like Mr. Marley said, "One Love, One Heart." He knew what he was talking about. We need to be focused on the eternal things in our everyday lives, like the purpose behind going to work; i know its not about the money because it says in proverbs chapter ten that the blessing of the lord makes us rich, and he adds no sorrow with it. I believe that full heartily.
When we wake up and walk outside, we're in the church, so let's get together and feel alright! sounds cheezy you say? well yeah maybe hah, but its what we need to do.

Goodnight guys and gals, & much love.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Let's Change for the Better

We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us.

C.S. Lewis

My man!

Hey guys, I had to tell everyone about this right after I heard the news! Meet Kyle Maynard. My thumbs go up to him for being such an inspiration. He pushed through and climbed the ascent to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro without using any prosthetics. He made a physical difficulty into an amazing challenge for himself. Instead of saying no to his own challenge he powered through it carrying the ashes of a fallen U.S. soldier while being accompanied by veterans alike. 
He is so inspiring to me, in that we can accomplish our wildest dreams. Check it out, Kyle said,

'I am climbing because it will be the hardest thing I have ever attempted. I am climbing because I can.'

How awesome is that? I'm so glad God gave him the strength to set this example and do this climb. And i'm glad I was able to hear about it and rejoice with him in this victory too, so cool. And my props go out to a fellow climber!

Sometimes i'm lost... then i'm found.

Lately I've been growing back closer to God and it's been a pretty slow situation... i've learned that mending a broken relationship takes time and patience. And my relationship with him wasn't the only one that's been growing again. In freshman year God added a girl into my chain of best friends. I have been through thick and thin with her and wouldn't be the man I am without her. We've had tons of laughs. And recently a few disagreements, but all good friends do... right? I allowed them to pull me away from my view of our friendship though. And God made it clear to me after the game tonight that a few disagreements weren't worth jeopardizing a living and passionate friendship. Needless to say, He is always right. I love Her to death and after. She has always been a supporting friend and had a loving nature. I guess the point of this post is, don't let the devil squeeze in... because he has no right to. He was trying to destroy a relationship even when he knew it was too strong to destroy. God answered my prayers, he held together something that felt so disrupted for a brief time. But the point is, I don't want to get disrupted anymore. We can't let the devil move in on our friendships, though he can't destroy them, he can disrupt them. And in our lives we don't have the time for that. God calls us to love, so let's do it...

Thank you God, for every blessing and every thought. 

By the way, this is Caity holding her nephew Joel above, she's the one that changed my life for the better, the day I walked up and said "hi" to her in the cafeteria freshman year. I love this girl. 

Losing or Winning? (Continued Thought)

Have you ever seen the father on the side lines, the one that watches his kid play a game in hope that a spark will light in his son or daughter's heart? Hoping that after the game they will look up at him and say, "You can't always win dad, at least we had fun." I feel like that's God's outlook on us. He wants us to have good sportsmanship in our victories, keeping humility close to our hearts. And he wants us to keep our chin up in the times that we struggle, because he wants us to realize one thing... We can't always overcome our sin, but at least we continue trying to. And right after we realize that, it's back to the drawing board; back to the game we call "life." And we jump right in, full heartily, or thats what I need to start doing at least... That's what God calls us to do. To pretty much give it our all and not hope for the best, but make the best out of what's handed to us. Amen? I'd say so.

Goodnight everyone, & sweet dreams,

Losing or winning?

My bro and I went to the Capitals game tonight, for hockey fans it was an exciting game. We lost the game but it was an awesome time. We got some monster nachos and rooted on our team. The caps had 34  shots on net and had to deal with a tough loss. But for facing he flyers in our position, we played well. After all, winning on the scoreboard isn't everything. Being a fan means knowing when to take a heartbreak or an overwhelming victory. And I think that's how it is with God, I think he's our biggest fan. Whether we do great in something or don't do our best, at least we're trying... and having fun while doing it. I think thats the greatest encouragement. He's like a proud father on the side line ready to give his son a high five whether he scored a goal or played with dirt in the field. I've never thought about God as our biggest fan, that's way cool. It was a great game though they lost and God showed me this as result, I'd say that's a win in my book.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Friends Rawk

Lately I've been realizing how awesome my friends are... those who are far away, and those close. But each has a purpose in my life that God has planted and designed. That's awesome. That each friend I share a laugh or talk with has a specific place in my story and I as well in theirs. Get togethers like tonight remind me just how blessed I am to have the friends I do. And the strain on my heart from distance between my long distance friends reminds me of how much I love my friends, even from a far. So i'd say, I'm just so amazed at the people that surround me and I am so pumped for the new friends God has been placing in my life.

P.S. Best game LOCK. Other then Risk haha. Also I think it's more of a challenge to finish a game of monopoly compared to the challenge of winning.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Hit The Road, Hit The Walls!

My good friend Andrew Boonchaisri captured this picture on the way to Earth Treks Climbing Gym yesterday. As he put it, "Good weather + Good dudes + Good jams = Better ride and Better Climb," and that my friends is the equation for fun times! If you haven't been climbing before you should really check it out. The community of people is one of the greatest parts about it. Whether you are training indoors or climbing outdoors, there is always an adventure to be had.

w/ Andrew Boonchisri, Brady Ross, Jake Holmes, & Me (Jeremy Torsani)

Happy Dr. Seuss Day

I'm off to work, but a friend just posted this quote and it's way true. Pursue your wildest dreams and don't let anyone get in your way of them.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind” -Dr. Seuss

No Ropes, No Worries

This is pretty wild and it gets me thinking. Alex Honnold is a free climber, meaning he doesn't use ropes or safety equipment. Watch this video and you'll understand.

They say that Alex is the Michael Jordan of climbing at his talent level. Its pretty wild to believe, that one person can have so much trust in his skill, his shoes and the cliff face he climbs. But what is really wild for me to believe is that someone is willing to devote themselves to such a dangerous task without any doubt that he can do it at all.

Its like life and my trust in God. All of the time I have little doubts about God providing this or that; or that his path for me isn't going right, but in reality we can do almost anything with full commitment in Him. Just like with free climbing. I don't know why it's so hard to commit sometimes... maybe it's the distractions. Actually, I know for sure that's what it is (or at least a big part of it). I think to overcome any doubt I need to free myself from the world's distractions and really focus on eternal things first. Just like Alex focuses on the cliff face first and foremost before the beautiful view around him. Once he gets to the top of his goal he looks around him and recognizes the beauty of his climb. Cool thought eh? Tell me what you think. And check out this awesome video if you haven't yet!

After watching the video again I thought about another cool similarity to life's obstacles. In the middle of his climb Alex begins to doubt his technique and his climb... even the best have that stumbling block. But I feel like what separates the good from the best is that person who can overcome the stumbling block. Even though life brings us struggles along the way, we are given courage by overcoming the very same stumbling block that discouraged us in the first place.

Man's best friend!

Meet Emma, she's a golden retriever mixed black lab and she seems to be my new best friend. She's my mom's boyfriend's dog and just started staying at our house. It's wild to me how loyal dogs are to their caretakers. Even as i'm sitting here blogging she lays by my side until i'm done. She's always ready to play or obey when we ask her to and it makes me think about loyalty in life. I want to be that loyal, to my friends, family, neighbors, and most importantly God. Lately he's been showing me that His love is vast, bigger then any canyon and taller then any mountain! He's so loyal to us even when we fail. Grace is an incredible thing. We talked about how hard it is as humans to comprehend the amount of unlimited grace God gives to all of us and it's an amazing thought. I definitely believe we carry virtues such as loyalty in us handed down from our Father and that's such a cool thought to me. That we all, are living beings of Christ; living proof to God's creation. I don't know about you, but to me, that is so rad! And it's amazing the ways that God reveals himself; in our actions and in "man's best friend." Sometimes it can be so hard to believe in things unseen, but it's times like now and thoughts like this that remind us who is king! His good is in everything & everyone of this world, so why should we hide it? Love God with all your heart and mind. Love your neighbor as yourself. I know we can live it out because He put his trust in us to love one another. Who's with me?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Rosie Posie

Want to go check out an awesome blog??? Go check out this link and follow her page! The name is Rosie Posie. It's also new so i need people to go check it out. It's a cute girl i know (; my lovely girlfriend Tabitha Lynn.

Hey Bloggers! I've Arrived!

So after a long day of climbing I decided to finally create my blog. Hey everyone! And by everyone I mean whoever happens to magically stumble upon my page (Because as of now it seems that I have... no followers). So help me out? Here's what I'm thinking. Comment on this post and i'll go check out your page. Check out my "Who am i?!" section to get to know me from an outsider's view also.

Ps. Other then hanging out on here and having fun designing a blog, i'm on a site called Infinity List, such rad videos if you're bored. Mostly action sports but also well done videography! Check out the climbing section, my favorite!

Thanks again!


Here's one of my favorite songs ever and an awesome video a friend showed me to go along with it. Listen and enjoy! Bon Iver unlocks a lot of beauty in his music.

Holocene by Bon Iver

I've always had a love for traveling, my friend Lauren is living in Ireland right now and said that this video features a big part of Northern Ireland's big deal natural beauty - the giant's causeway...
Holocene by Bon Iver